of both <A class=glossterm x-use-popup=#POPUP57565 x-popup-type=expanding href='javascript:kadovTextPopup(this)' id=HotSpot57565>MBR</A><SCRIPT type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">kadovTextPopupInit('HotSpot57565');</SCRIPT> and GPT hard disks (up to 1,5 TB tested)</p>
<P>is the 0th sector of the disk. MBR (Master Boot Record) contains important information about the disk layout: - The used partitioning scheme; - The starting records of the Partition Table; - The standard bootstrap code (or the initial code of boot managers, disk overlay software or boot viruses). Generally, the 0th sector is used for similar purposes in all existing partitioning schemes. The MBR capacity is not sufficient to contain sophisticated boot programs. That's why the on-boot software is allowed to use the entire 0th track of the disk. For example, boot managing utilities such as LILO, GRUB and Paragon Boot Manager are located in the 0th track.</P>
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style="color: #808000;
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